Científicos chilenos de la Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María anunciaron hoy que realizarán la primera carrera de autos solares en Latinoamérica en diciembre de 2010.
La competencia, en la que sólo podrán participar equipos del subcontinente, está inspirada en la World Solar Challenge (WSC), que se realiza en Australia.
El trayecto, denominado La Ruta Solar, unirá la ciudad de Santiago con el puerto Valparaíso, a través de unos 120 kilómetros de carretera.
El propósito de la competencia es contar al menos con 16 equipos donde por lo menos 11 sean extranjeros.
La idea es fomentar la investigación, el desarrollo y la innovación en la energía solar en América latina.
They will realise in Chile the first race of solar cars of Latin A.
Chilean scientists of the Technical University Federico Santa Maria announced today that they will realise the first race of solar cars in Latin America in December of 2010.
The competition, in that equipment of the subcontinent will only be able to participate, is inspired by World Solar Challenge (WSC), that is realised in Australia.
The passage, denominated the Solar Route, will unite the city of Santiago with the Valparaiso port, through about 120 kilometers of highway.
The intention of the competition is to count at least on 16 equipment where at least 11 is foreign.
The idea is to foment the investigation, the development and the innovation in the solar energy in Latin America.
The competition, in that equipment of the subcontinent will only be able to participate, is inspired by World Solar Challenge (WSC), that is realised in Australia.
The passage, denominated the Solar Route, will unite the city of Santiago with the Valparaiso port, through about 120 kilometers of highway.
The intention of the competition is to count at least on 16 equipment where at least 11 is foreign.
The idea is to foment the investigation, the development and the innovation in the solar energy in Latin America.
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